Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sad State of Affairs

We live in interesting times where the world has lost its mind and it seems like the epidemic has reached our shores. This entry will an unprecedented event as i never blogged about politics before this and i think things have reached a level even an ignorant bum like me got something to say.

I have lived in this country for most of my life and grew up loving it till lately where i realised it aint so sweet anymore and recent political affairs/foreign news reports/comment from an Iranian friend just confirmed my fears that indeed this country is 'tearing apart' (to quote a good friend's term) and there is nothing we can about it. The neo-con politicians from the party that represents the country majority ethnic group are busy talking & arguing about issues of NEP,other races are taking away our wealth, bla,bla,bla without caution or care that these viewpoints actually spook the minorities in the country and of course the foreigners who dont or little understand how Malaysia works. Now, firstly i think the NEP is relevant still and should stay in place but what rattles me is that the policy had been hijacked to benefit a few and most of these few are politicians themselves. The policy had been abused where you see it actually encroach the rights of its minorities and the minorities are not happy anymore.

Of course they wont shout it out like the majority but they will retaliate in a quiet & subtle manner. The key to this retaliation is the economic power the minorities still have and the most powerful weapon of all, education. The country's brightest people have already left and will continue to drain out and the business community will put their money somewhere safer like Singapore or Hong Kong. It will make Malaysia an uncompetitive nation in 15 years time and it will be too late then to reverse the damage.

The short-sightedness of the country's rulers will see Malaysia slip further economically and the likes of Thailand & Vietnam overtake us as the prefered foriegn investment destination. I can also see that more & more minorities are planning or already migrating to other countries and this means the brightest and smartest of the Malaysian minority will contribute to the likes of Australia & Singapore who appreciate their contribution. All these will slowly but surely be felt and when it does, its too late to reverse the damage.

I personally dont see any future for this country anymore unless a miracle happens and its sad that being called a Malaysian for many means nothing anymore. All i can say is God bless Malaysia.

Don, a Scottish born Siamese who has been residing in Malaysia for the past 20 years.

"May God grant me serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference."

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