Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wrong display of leadership

Earlier this morning i witness a classic example of a weak leadership. Imagine your team being run down by the manager at 7am in front of new staffs. Not so motivational huh? the results are clear, attrition is high and despite the steps taken by the VP nothing mcuh seems to work and i guess its just too late for anything to be done to reverse the damage inflicted to the crew.

As a manager, we expect to see encouragement, we want to see guidance and examples, we need to see compassion and fairness and also we have to see a captain of the ship. If these qualities are missing, then expect mutiny or abandonment as loyalty is as good as dead. I have heard stories but none beats witnessing it yourself a humilation to people working around and with you. I may be an observer but i do have my principles and it has tested my patience. Its gonna be a bloody battle for all of us but i'm afraid the captain just steered his ship into the cluthes of doom.

P.S : I'm just venting out a censored and edited version of the article. The full article may not be suitable for Malaysians of all ages as we all cant think and need to be guided properly by the censors of the esthablishment. Up yours censorship board!

1 comment:

Pei Tze said...

ahahahhahahahha... wut to do... malaysians will always be malaysians... as backward and as close minded as before... no wonder we never get to improve!