Thursday, July 14, 2005

Rainy days....

Its been a boring day with a great wheather...yes..i love the rain actually...playing football at the MMU rugby field this evening does bring back some good memories of my good 3 years there. I cant help but miss my uni life and its mostly cause my life is not as happening as it was those days...which ended a year i have no life, so to speak. I miss hanging out with crowd and also living the hostel life with loud music, Warcraft and Coke, etc....

As this point of my working life, i feel like there is whole range of mountains to climb...if the past 24 odd years have been like Mt. Everest, then this is the K2 summit we are talking about...tougher to crack even for the pros who can climb Everest. Its humbling to know that all the achivement and past glory count for nothing now, its so sobering to think about it when you do at times like today. But despite all this there is one thing that wont change and still counts no matter what happens....His love from above still counts and He is my guide when night falls on my path. Its the truth and by the way, enjoy the wheather...

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