Thursday, February 03, 2005

Working life is like a warzone

When i finished my degree last year i didnt expect life would be so challenging as it is now. Dreams of owning a BMW, a 5 figure salary and all suddenly becomes so distant and so isolated from reality. Its not a gameshow or a story with a definite ending but instead its a living nightmare with short but sweet moments that somehow keeps me going.

My warzone is my office, a call center in HSBC Cyberjaya which deals with credit cards problems from a country that has their call center operations outsourced. Its a warzone because you wake up everyday getting ready for another tough day listening to people whining about their credit card problems. Some days are bad some days are okay but there is never a good day. The warzone has claimed a few casualties already even though its been operational less than 2 months. Imagine everyday you and your colleagues gets gunned down by customers and some of them cant take it anymore and leave. Some people may think that taking up calls is an easy job but trust me it aint that easy. Try getting getting your ass screwed everyday and theres nothin much you can do. Well, you can leave alright but there is just one problem though.....
there is no job in the world that has no problems........By the end of everyday, i'm just too drained to think of anything else but rue and remembering how life was sooo different 6 months ago.

If you are still studying enjoy every minute of it and if you are working, I pray the Lord that He bless us all with the strength and courage to go on and make that BMW a reality.Amen.

2 comments: said...

hey man! guess im the first with a comment on ur blog. great work here and hope for more to come. dun woli, the BMW is still within reach man. what more its just opposite where u are working!kekeke. takecare dude:D

Terry said...

who needs a BMW ? we don't have any short comings in our, ahem, manhood to make up for it. i'll buy you a lightsaber in the future. after i get mine. cheers.